Factors Affecting the Perception of the Logistics Service Quality of Thailand Post Company Limited
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The goal of this study was to investigate the factors of process innovation, service innovation, and logistics performance that influenced Thailand Post Co., Ltd.'s perceived service quality. This study was quantitative in nature. The sample consisted of 400 individuals who had used Thailand Post Co., Ltd.'s services, selected through purposive sampling. This research employed an online questionnaire as its data collection tool. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that the respondents' opinions on Thailand Post Co., Ltd.'s process innovation, service innovation, logistics performance, and perceived service quality were at a very high level overall. The results of the hypothesis testing found that the service innovation factors, service innovation factors, and logistics performance factors significantly influenced the perceived service quality of Thailand Post Co., Ltd. at a statistical significance level of 0.05. The independent variables predicted approximately 29.40 % of the perceived service quality of Thailand Post Co., Ltd. Enhancing logistics performance helped increase customer satisfaction and trust in the company's transportation services due to the fast, accurate, and reliable delivery. Additionally, providing thorough customer service, including timely communication and information, contributed to customers' perceptions of the organization's service quality.
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