Service Quality and Brand Image Affecting Thai Passenger Loyalty Towards Low-Cost Airlines After the Corona Virus Disease-19
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the service quality level and brand image level of Thai passengers towards low-cost airlines. 2) to study how service quality and brand image affecting passengers loyalty of Thai passenger towards low-cost airlines after the Corona virus Disease-19. 3) The personal factors affecting passengers loyalty of Thai passengers towards low-cost airlines after the Corona virus Disease-19. The sample used in this study were 151 passengers who used low-cost airlines after the Corona virus Disease-19. This study used a questionnaire to collect data by purposive sampling method. The statistics used to analyzed were Independent sample T-Test, One-Way ANOVA: F-Test, Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression analysis with a statistical significance level of 0.05. The results of this study showed that 1) the service quality level and the brand image level was at the highest level. 2) The service quality and brand image affecting passengers loyalty towards low-cost airlines after the Corona Virus Disease 2019 pandemic at the statistically significant 0.05 level. 3) The personal factors affecting passengers loyalty towards low-cost airlines after the Corona virus Disease 2019. Multiple regression analysis revealed that in terms of service quality and brand image affecting Thai passengers loyalty towards low-cost airlines after the Corona virus Disease 2019 at the statistically significant 0.05 level.
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