Exposure and Understanding of Public Relations Materials of the Department of National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation to the People on Ecotourism

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ธรรมรัตน์ ธัญธเนส
กาญจนา มีศิลปวิกกัย


The study on “Exposure and understanding about public relations media of Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation towards the people about ecotourism aims: 1) the exposure  the Interpretations of Nature of the people about ecotourism in National Park, 2) study to understand the Interpretations of Nature of the people about ecotourism in National Park 3) ecotourism people’s behavior from the exposure and 4) understanding the Interpretations of Nature  of the people of  Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. The data were collected from a sample of towards in the age group 26-37 years and they were to visit the Nation Park at least one time only. Statistic which used in the research is Descriptive Statistics. According to the study, it found that the people who answer the questionnaire are male (30-33 years old), bachelor degree, company employee, salary (20,001-25,000 baht) and single. They visited the National Park 2-3 times in 2017. They were in high level to expose the public relations media and to understand the public relations media of Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. Moreover, they were highest level to travel in ecotourism.

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How to Cite
ธัญธเนส ธ., & มีศิลปวิกกัย ก. (2018). Exposure and Understanding of Public Relations Materials of the Department of National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation to the People on Ecotourism. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 17(23), 66–72. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/commartsreviewsiamu/article/view/169416
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