Communication Behavior, Expectations and Identity of the Youth Presentation to Heterosexual Relationships on Social Networks Like Facebook.

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ทัศนีย์ ดำเกิงศักดิ์


This research is a survey research. The purposes are : 1.) to study the communication behavior of the youth on social networking ‘Facebook’. 2.) to study the expectations of the youth on social networking ‘Facebook’. 3.) to study the presentation of Identity of the youth to social and to build relationships with Heterosexual friends on social networking ‘Facebook’, and 4.) to study the relationship between communication behaviors, the expectations and identity of the youth whom using social networking ‘Facebook’. , total amount 428 persons. The research methods was a questionnaire, statistics (used in the research were percentage, mean and the correlation coefficient.), processed using statistical program. The results of the research Communication behavior, the expectation and the presentation of Identity of the youth on social networking ‘Facebook’, the youth samples use the Internet as a medium for communication and use the computer as a tool for communication. It is also a channel for modern communication. The presenting identity through social media ‘Facebook’ is a channel of youth on nowadays, by using modern technology. The behavior of youth in Thai society is changing as technology advances. Young men and women can relate freely. And there is a type of communication using the Internet is connecting between their relationships, brings faster communication. It can express the passion around things openly. For cyber world, the studying youth will pay attention or live life to touch the cyber world widely. It shows that the young men and women can be in thought leadership, unlike previous Thai society. The online or cyberspace is a place for youth to meet their expectations than the real world. In the real world, one person is the one identity (One Body, One Identity). But in social networks it is possible that one person can have multiple identities at the same time (One Body, Multiple Identity) without any restrictions. Identity in this society youth can change their needs all the time, such as today is presenting themselves as a sweet and healthy girl, tomorrow may be change the hip-hop looks to watch concerts with their friends. Expectations from social networking, youth will express themselves according to their needs and emotions. By using the symbol or images, such as press the button ‘Like’ to replace the expression of the words of Facebook Friends, To let other Facebook members can recognize identity expressed in different ways as possible. And understand that it is the true identity in the real world.

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How to Cite
ดำเกิงศักดิ์ ท. (2017). Communication Behavior, Expectations and Identity of the Youth Presentation to Heterosexual Relationships on Social Networks Like Facebook. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(20), 48–56. Retrieved from
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