The Crisis and Presumptive Extinction in Monkey Show.

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ชญาณี ฉลาดธัญญกิจ


The Monkey Show has been extensively developed since the reign of King Rama VI. The pattern of the show has also been continuously adjusted up until the time it was named “Contemporary Monkey Show”. At present, Sidprakhan group is the only group left that is still performing. This study found that there is one important factor causing crisis and presumptive extinction in monkey show which is aside from the factor of having more medium choices for audiences to choose. It is the discontinuance of its two unique identities as follows; 1) denying displaying folk literature or tales and 2) cutting off the real “play” which had been existed since traditional period of monkey show. The show only offers monkeys performing their own trained skills.

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How to Cite
ฉลาดธัญญกิจ ช. (2017). The Crisis and Presumptive Extinction in Monkey Show. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(20), 135–141. Retrieved from
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