Management Process of Reality TV Production Case Study The Face Thailand

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พลอยพชร ฉันท์เศรษฐ์
จุฑา มนัสไพบูลย์


The purpose of this research is to study about the management process of reality TV show and to study about the problems and obstacles in reality TV production management by using case study of The Face Thailand Season 2 (TV Program). Research methodology is carried out by doing qualitative research, which the researcher do an in-depth interview with the Executive Producer, Co- Producer, and program staffs. Furthermore, all the related documents about reality TV production will be used in the research. The results revealed that The Face Thailand TV program under Kantana Group Public Company Limited has the basic element of management process such as human resources management, materials management, time management, budget management, conclusion and overall operation measurement. Production planning is allocated into 3 parts, which are 1. Pre-Production 2. Production 3. Post-Production. In each steps that are mentioned above are the significant factors in producing The Face Thailand Reality TV program, which the format of the program is a reality TV show, so one thing that the executive producer or producer needs to be considering is the morality of reality TV show. This is the thing that is different from other kind of TV format. The morality is the thing that makes the program provide good things to the social, Generally, TV producer and staffs need to keep in one’s principle in terms of production and it is the copyrighted TV program from America, which the producer needs to be strictly keep the content according to the bible that are given since there are many sectors that are participate in the production, which sometimes the problems and obstacles may occur during the production process. Furthermore, the management process in each sector are managing differently, so it would be delayed in terms of management and communication, uncontrolled problems, and would be effected to some part in production process. So, the entire process needs to done by the plan and keep it in the same direction.

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How to Cite
ฉันท์เศรษฐ์ พ., & มนัสไพบูลย์ จ. (2016). Management Process of Reality TV Production Case Study The Face Thailand. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 15(19), 61–71. Retrieved from
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