The symbolic creation in character's costume case study television series Game of Thrones

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จุฑารัตน์ การะเกตุ


The symbolic creation in character's costume case study television series Game of Thrones. Methodology for this research is content analysis and document research to find the concept for character's costume creation. As a result, there are symbols in the costume. The costume then is the medium that construct the meaning and identity of each house to convey insignia. So the audiences could instantly recognized the character which is the social code. Moreover, the designer designs the costume which base on the screenplay and presents the characteristic of that character by using symbol. The costume then has functioned to tell story instead of conversation, it is an aesthetic code. So the function of costume is not only the clothes that actor wore but it is the sign code that convey both meaning and aesthetic.

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การะเกตุ จ. (2016). The symbolic creation in character’s costume case study television series Game of Thrones. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 15(18), 66–74. Retrieved from
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