Transmedia Adaptation Creative Process from Royal Literary Work to Short Film “Too Late” (Sai Pai Sia Laew)

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มนฤดี ธาดาอำนวยชัย
ขวัญเรือน กิติวัฒน์
ธนามล ธนสถิตย์


This research aimed at studying the creative process applying the transmedia adaptation approach from print media to short film “Too late” (Sai Pai Sia Laew) Qualitative research approach was applied based on the data of creative works action collected from production crews’ depth interviews, an analysis of production reports and behind the scenes video clip and evaluation of audiences’ opinions towards the film after watching the whole film. Results indicated that the creation process of “Too late” short film started from design conception which is “Penitence”. Once getting the main concept of the story then the next step was design visualization that is script development then continued to design development which is the production design including the preproduction process which consisted of casting, location sculpting and budgeting. After that it was ready to shoot the film. Once the shooting was finished, the file was sent to the lab for visual and sound editing. This process was design refinement. On this stage, the film was finished and ready for presentation and evaluation. The evaluation technique for this research was to explore the audiences’ opinions toward the short film after viewing the whole film. Samples thought this story is suitable, good and worth to produce as short film and the content made them afraid of the drug dangers. Short film “Sai Pai Sia Laew” is Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s work which was written in 1972, when adapting to short film, there needs to be some adaptations. This is to comply with current social context and can facilitate audiences’ understandings. The adaptation was just some little changes in time and space dimension not the main concept and storyline which is invaluable imagination of the writer. The main purpose for this adaptation is to transmit imagination from written media to audiovisual media. It is required to respect the imagination of original writer. The main fact and idea should not be distorted. What can be adapt is social context to fit with the time and space of film distribution and audiences, also the film production crew should concern about the visualization to transform the imagination in the written media to present in the film and to make audiences believe in the content.

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How to Cite
ธาดาอำนวยชัย ม., กิติวัฒน์ ข., & ธนสถิตย์ ธ. (2019). Transmedia Adaptation Creative Process from Royal Literary Work to Short Film “Too Late” (Sai Pai Sia Laew). SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 18(24), 73–91. Retrieved from
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