The Construction and Signification of Collective Memory in Thai Historical Telenovelas

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Sorarat Jirabovornwisut


This research on the construction and signification of collective memory in Thai historical telenovelas is a study of collective memory and the construction of collective memory about the past via Thai historical Telenovelas that are based on historical events or phenomena. The research also examined the reviving of the past and the construction of new imagination through tales that are some kinds of societal representation. Based on the framework of collective memory, the research explored Thai historical Telenovelas, by in-depth interviews with 26 historical TV-drama producers and fans.

It was found that Thai Telenovelas construct and signify collective memory through a variety of narrative components: plot, theme, conflicts, characters, setting, point of view, and symbolism, with the implication of royal nationalist ideology and the perspective of the capital as a power center.

Collective memory in Thai historical Telenovelas tend to reproduce the image of the monarchy as a sacred institution which is divine, righteous and charismatic, ruling the state  in peace, but collective memory overpasses local history. Accordingly, historical telenovelas play roles in emphasizing the ideology of loyalty.

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How to Cite
Jirabovornwisut, sorarat, & AKARACHANTACHOTE, P. . (2020). The Construction and Signification of Collective Memory in Thai Historical Telenovelas. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 8–29. retrieved from
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