Klong Yao Troupe Competition Organized by Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture

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Nareephak Paendee
Suphanee Boonpeng


In this study, Klong Yao (tall narrow drums) troupe contest organized by the Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture and the new performance patterns of different Klong Yao troupes attended the contest were studied in order to preserve information in a written record and prevent data loss. The objective of this research was to study the performance patterns in Klong Yao troupe contest organized by the Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture. The research methodology consisted of literature review by searching for information from books, documents and related studies, interview, as well as observation of performance videos by 2 Klong Yao troupes, Akatan Troupe and Siwabutra Troupe. The choreography theory, semiology theory, conservatism concept and performer selection concept were used in the data analysis. According to the findings, the characteristics of the Klong Yao troupe contest organized by the Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture can be concluded as followed: 1) This event aimed at preserving culture by promoting and encouraging further development; 2) The judging criteria was the creativity of performance which must maintain the identities of standard Klong Yao troupe performance determined by the Fine Arts Department; 3) The contestants must create their new Klong Yao troupe performance with local style of central Thailand in accordance with Thai traditions; 4) The performances by Akatan Troupe and Siwabutra Troupe who won the championships make the good examples of Klong Yao Troupe performance creation for contest as their performances were unique and spectacular. Their performances consisted of 3 parts: 1) Prelude to show the skills of musicians and also to honor Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn; 2) Performance by the players of cymbals and small cup-shaped cymbals with human pyramid and somersault; and 3) Performance by male and female dancers who developed new dance moves from the traditional one. Nine main formations were also used in combination in order to create the new formations, resulting in new holistic and unique patterns of Klong Yao performances. The researcher hopes that this study will be beneficial to young people and general public as a guideline in creating Klong Yao troupe performances for contest. It also encourages people or groups interested in Klong Yao troupe contest to show more creativity in developing their Klong Yao Troupe performances.

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How to Cite
แป้นดี น. ., & Boonpeng, S. . (2020). Klong Yao Troupe Competition Organized by Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 92–105. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/commartsreviewsiamu/article/view/248317
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