News Perception Level and News Perception Behavior on Social Media about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in 4 Generations

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Prakit Arsa
Suthawan Thummasungwan
Charuni Wannasirikul
Piyasak Chomchan


The research “The Level of News Literacy and News Sharing Behavior on Social Media about Covid Disease-19 in 4 Generations” aims tostudy (1) The level of news perception on social media about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 4 generations (2) The news sharing behavior on social media about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 4 generations with 400 onlinesampling questionnaires.

The study shows that level of news perception in 4 generations receivers. (1) Thelevel of news access is at a high ( X= 3.80) and (2) ) The level of news estimate is at a high ( X= 3.67) For news analysis rules in 4 generations receivers isreliability news source and they will compare the news information from various channelsvarious news agencies. In addition, generation Y and generation Z receivers give moreimportance to the movement on online media: number of news page followers andaddiction society etc.

For news sharing factors n 4 generations receivers. Because situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) causing the receivers keep up with the news to keep up to date with thespread of the disease. The most, they share proximity news. The second, they share consequencenews and progress news.

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How to Cite
Arsa, P. ., Thummasungwan, S. ., Wannasiriku, C. l, & Chomchan , P. . (2020). News Perception Level and News Perception Behavior on Social Media about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in 4 Generations. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 126–143. retrieved from
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