The Influence of Advertising Using Celebrities as Presenters on Consumers Response Process in Bangkok

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Tassnee Domkerngsak


   The objectives of this current survey research are 1) to study the opinions of consumers towards advertising using celebrities, 2) to study the process of consumer response after watching the advertisements using celebrities, and 3) to study the relationship between advertising using celebrities and the consumer response process. The sample size of this survey research is 447 consumers. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using percentage, average, and correlation coefficient.

The following are the research results. The opinions of research participants towards advertising using celebrities related to the following aspects are shown below. First, attractiveness: the sample was primarily interested in celebrities with good manners. Second, trustworthiness: the sample primarily trusted presenters with good images and demeanor. Third, expertise: the sample primarily believed in celebrities who used their skills and their expertise to guarantee the accuracy of the products. Fourth, respect: the sample primarily agreed that advertising using presenters who are admirable and are role models of the society is appropriate. Finally, similarity: the sample thought that advertisements that allow them to follow Thai presenters who have similar lifestyle as theirs makes them become more interested in the products than advertising using non-Thai celebrities.          

Regarding the sample’s opinions towards consumer response process, it was at a very high level. The sample’s opinions towards each aspect of consumer response are as follows.1) Attention (A): The sample agreed that packaging design draws the attention of the customers to buy the product. 2) Interest (I): the sample thought that products that clearly describe their quality and benefits can persuade customers to purchase the products. 3) Desire (D): the sample claimed that the reputation of the product’s brand can attract customers to buy the products. 4) Action (A) the sample suggested that they decide to buy the products by considering the qualities or benefits of the products.

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How to Cite
Domkerngsak, T. . (2021). The Influence of Advertising Using Celebrities as Presenters on Consumers Response Process in Bangkok. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 20(1), 43–55. Retrieved from
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