Study of Learning Management to Promote Students Engagement to the Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University

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Anackaorn Buramathananon


The student’s engagement means that the student’s attributes show their intention, interest, and effort towards learning, which leads to lifelong learning. Therefore, teaching and learning to promote student’s engagement is important. The guideline of learning management for enhancing a sense of engagement of students requires the participation of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. The educational institutions should provide learning in order to enhance a sense of engagement including the participation in emotional, behavioral, physical, social and cultural learning.

The researcher appreciates the feeling of being a member of the student with an educational institution. According to that, the researcher studies the approach of the learning management to promote a student’s engagement from the Faculty Communication Arts, Siam University. Demanding that, the learners will have a lifelong learning skill. Finding factors that cause gaps in the feeling of membership and finding a solution of filling in this gaps by analyzing the interviews from lecturers and students in order to find the way of making students feel that they are a member of Faculty Communication Arts Siam University by proposing a faculty-level learning management to have a policy on the management of learning spaces and equipment. Also, organize the activities that focus on student participation. At the curriculum level, courses must be integrated both professional and non-professional groups and external organizations. And the level of courses that need to be organized should emphasize the participation of students by using a non-formal education approach to manage feelings of membership.

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How to Cite
Buramathananon, A. (2021). Study of Learning Management to Promote Students Engagement to the Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 20(1), 208–219. Retrieved from


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