Marketing Communication Strategies of New Entrepreneurs in Traditional Trade Shops of TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited

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Kesinee Suriyawong
บุปผา ลาภะวัฒนาพันธ์


The objective of the research was to study the marketing communication strategy for new generation entrepreneurs who were the traditional dealers of TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd. The methodology of this study was qualitative research and in-depth interviews and documentary research.

There were 6 steps in the marketing communication planning which consisted of the following; 1. Situation analysis “Strengths” - Better brand recognition than that of our competitors because the brand has been in existence on the market for a long time, being situated in a better location in the business center for a better location, and having a variety of products to meet customer needs as well as providing good service. “Weaknesses” - Employees who have worked with the company for a long time are unable to adapt to the variety. Furthermore, the advanced technology of social media has played a major role in reducing the working process. One of the threats for traditional dealers the number of existing companies who are doing the same business is high. Another is the business recession causing the construction industry to lose its income. 2. Target audiences - Geographic Criteria: To select a good location in the business center and it is easy to commute to. Behavioral Criteria: To define the customer group by the purpose of usage. There are painters, sub-contractors, and the house. 3. Determining objectives - The 3 main objectives for the dealers are to create 1) brand loyalty, 2) product awareness, and 3) increasing sales volume. 4.Marketing communication tools - There are 3 main tools; Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Commercials via offline and online media.  5. Determining budgets and timing - There are no specific budgets but to have them by objectives or type of works. 6. Evaluation - To evaluate the communication plans whether they meet the target by looking at the customer awareness results, and sales volume.

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How to Cite
Suriyawong, K. ., & ลาภะวัฒนาพันธ์ บ. . (2021). Marketing Communication Strategies of New Entrepreneurs in Traditional Trade Shops of TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 20(2), 74–88. Retrieved from
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