Capital Analysis and Communication Strategies of “Life Coach”

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Sakawan Bangpoom


The research of capital analysis and communication strategies of “life coach” was qualitative research that aims to study capital accumulation, the extension of capital that lead to be “life coach” and study communication strategies which established themselves as personal media who affect views, beliefs and behavior of individuals. This research has two case studies; Khunkhao Sindhusen Khaejornbut (K.S. Khunkhao) and Pol.Capt. Sethit Amthanom (Capt. Benz). The data was gathered by content analysis from social media of “life coach” and other channels that were written documents and visual documents such as interview videos and online articles. Additionally, in-depth interview from two key informants who are associated with case studies, including friends and colleagues.

The results were found that all case studies have abilities and skills about the capital accumulation, the extension of capital. First, source of the capital accumulation was a primary group that cultivates cultural capital comes to embodied form or “Habitus”, in Bourdieu’s concepts. Habitus was viewed till to behavior as unconscious principle because it was embodied within the body for a long time. However, “life coach” who was case studies accumulated cultural capital from recognized or accredited academic institutions in society and coaching field that was cultural capital in institutionalized form. Both K.S. Khunkhao and Capt. Benz have abilities about the extension of capital and transformation capital to other capital that lead to contribute in their “life coach” role, especially conversion capital to symbolic capital such as popularity and honor which make two case studies so different from other life coaches. Moreover, these findings indicate that two case studies have seven communication strategies: mixed media selection strategies; message selection and modification of substance content; selection of used languages strategies; situational analysis; audience analysis; listening to feedback through social media and product differentiation. These strategies were employed in “life coach” as personal media who have strongly influenced to many aspects of human life, which can include individual views, beliefs and behavior. In addition, communication strategies can make a difference from other life coaches.

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How to Cite
Bangpoom, S. (2022). Capital Analysis and Communication Strategies of “Life Coach”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 21(1), 61–78. Retrieved from
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