Knowledge and Understanding on Searching Researches from Online Database of Lecturers, Staffs and Students of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University

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Natthanit Srimaserm


The objective of this research is to study the knowledge and understanding of searching research from the online database of teachers. Staff and students Institute of Molecular Biosciences Mahidol University Using the quantitative research method, the population consisted of two groups of 238 people, namely academic and support personnel. Government officials and university staff, 131 people, and 107 graduate students.

The results of the research revealed that the ability to search for research from online databases. Was at a high level (gif.latex?\chi= 3.79, S.D.= .64)  The average was at a high level (gif.latex?\chi= 3.94, S.D.=065) followed by the effective use and communication of information. The mean is at a high level (gif.latex?\chi= 3.91,S.D.=.62) and information search and information assessment. The mean was at a high level  (gif.latex?\chi= 3.83, S.D.=.58). The lowest average was at the high level (gif.latex?\chi= 3.29, S.D.=.99) respectively. The ability to use search engines from learning how to search was found that most of them learned by themselves from real-world experience. Some of them study from books and learn by themselves from practical experience, study from books on how to search for information on the Internet, and have used the respective search engine search format.

 The analysis of the relationship between personal factors and The knowledge and understanding of searching online databases found that the forecast equation in raw score (Y¢)

  (Y¢) = .761 + 0.048 (Information Processing) + 1.014 (Realization of Information Needs) + 1.420 (Overview of Database Query Ability)

That is, if the processing process variables increased 1 points to make your knowledge to find out the online database. 0.048 when the variable is recognized to the needs of information. And the overall capabilities of the database. In the equation, explain that the proprietary variables describe the knowledge of the database of online database by 43.3%.

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How to Cite
Srimaserm, N. . (2022). Knowledge and Understanding on Searching Researches from Online Database of Lecturers, Staffs and Students of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 21(2), 159–178. Retrieved from
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