Information Seeking and Information Utilization of the “Ngee Lhao Pao Tiw” Program Audience

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Uayporn Panich


This research is an exploratory research which aims to study 1) the information seeking of the audience of the “Ngee Lhao Pao Tiw" program 2) the information utilization of the audience 3) the relationship between the information seeking and information utilization of the audience. Data was collected from a total of 400 participants using the questionnaire as a data collection tool,7 in Information Seeking,11 in Sex Knowledge and 7 in Information Utilization. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and Pearson's correlation coefficient, and were processed using the SPPS program. The research employed different concepts and theories for data analysis i.e., trust, sex education, Facebook, information seeking, information utilization, and media satisfaction.

The results show that participants had different objectives for seeking information and utilization of the information from the “Ngee Lhao Pao Tiw” program was as follow.

  1. The participants mostly had the objectives of seeking news for their benefit or of receiving advice to improve their sexual behavior from the program (3.82), followed by seeking knowledge about sex education (3.68). Discussing the information with friends least common objective (3.01).

  2. The participants enjoyed seeking content related to sex knowledge from the program the most, particularly psychological knowledge (e.g., emotional and psychological sexual disorders, sexual desires and feelings) (4.01), followed by views on sex (3.94), and the traditions and cultures the least (3.48).

  3. The participants made various uses of the information about sex knowledge from the program, mostly to have fun and enjoyment (4.07), followed by to increase their knowledge and understanding of sexuality (3.90), and least of all, to be able to give advice on sex knowledge to others (3.71).

The results of hypothesis testing are as follow. The audience’s objectives for information seeking and their utilization of the information from “Ngee Lhao Pao Tiw” program are related. Their statistical correlation was at the 0.01 level. Therefore, the hypothesis was proved true, and correlation was positive and at a high level, meaning that the participants who sought different types of content from the program would have a greater use of information about sex education.

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How to Cite
Panich , U. . (2022). Information Seeking and Information Utilization of the “Ngee Lhao Pao Tiw” Program Audience. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 21(2), 179–191. Retrieved from
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