The Relationship between Movie Viewing Behaviors on Viu (Thailand) Platform of a Generation Y Group in Bangkok and Their Satisfaction toward the Platform

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Nuntika Jitreengam


This research aims to study 1) movie viewing behaviors on Viu (Thailand) platform of Generation Y (Gen Y) groups in Bangkok, 2) their movie viewing satisfaction towards Viu (Thailand), and 3) the relationship between the Gen Y group‘s movie viewing behaviors on Viu (Thailand) platform and their movie viewing satisfaction towards the platform. This research is an exploratory research. The study sample consists of 400 people from Generation Y group aged 21-38 years old. The data is analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient, which is processed using a statistical package program.

The results show that the majority of respondents are female aged 19 to 22. The majority of respondents’ ages range from 21 to 26 years old. They have a bachelor's degree or equivalent and earn no more than 15,000 baht. Averagely, the respondents watch movies alone on Viu (Thailand) platform on their smart phones less than one or two times a month for one to two hours each time. Most of them watch comedy movies for fun and entertainment. Regarding the respondents’ overall satisfaction towards the platform in terms of its product and content, their satisfaction towards the fact that they are able to switch on or off subtitles when watching a movie has the highest average score, followed by the content variety and interesting content which correspond to the needs of the viewers.  The respondents’ overall satisfaction towards prices is at a high level. They are satisfied with the 99.9 annual package with 7-day free trial (calculated from 1,199 baht/year), followed by service prices, which are worthwhile and appropriate. In terms of the respondent’s overall satisfaction towards viewing convenience, it is rated at the highest level. Their satisfaction towards viewing convenience, due to the fact that the movies can be viewed anytime and anywhere, has the highest average score, followed by their satisfaction towards the fact that Viu Thailand is an application for people to watch licensed movies/series. Regarding the respondents’ overall satisfaction towards the platform’s marketing promotion, it is rated at the highest level. The satisfaction towards the fact that the application offers a 7-day free trial to them before their first subscription has the highest average scores, followed by their satisfaction towards the fact that they are able to subscribe to Viu service along with other services such as monthly or top-up phone packages or with online gaming subscription services.

The hypothesis testing results show that the significance value is 0.695, which is greater than the level of significance at 0.05.  Therefore, it can be concluded that the respondents’ movie viewing behaviors on Viu (Thailand) platform is related to media exposure. There is no relationship between Bangkok Generation Y group’s satisfaction towards movie viewing on the platform.

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How to Cite
Jitreengam, N. . (2023). The Relationship between Movie Viewing Behaviors on Viu (Thailand) Platform of a Generation Y Group in Bangkok and Their Satisfaction toward the Platform. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 26–39. Retrieved from
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