Online Marketing Communication for Nathaleeya Massage for Health and Effective Digital Marketing Communication for Millennial in Bangkok

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Thanomrat Thongjang
Chutima Kedsadayurat


The purpose of this research was to study the effective online communication style and digital marketing communication method of Nathaleeya Massage for Millennial group in Bangkok. The data was collected by studying the form of substance content and conducting experimental research with A/B Testing tools via the Facebook platform of Nathaleeya Massage for Health.

The study found that brands offer a mix of marketing content: educational content (product details and general business information), inspirational content, and persuasive content (promotional content), and engagement with posts or events) and entertainment content. Provide additional information by describing to expand the content of the picture that needs to be communicated with more details about the products or services and providing a contact channel for more information, including phone numbers, Line IDs, and links to Enter a conversation on Facebook Messenger. Using A/B Testing Tools to Find Effective Digital Marketing Communications for Groups Millennial in Bangkok via Nattaleeya Massage's Facebook platform found that their communication style was about their interest and perception of the benefits of special discounts received. The cost of their services is lower than normal it creates attraction and influences consumer behavior to respond well to the substance, causing consumers to demand and make more purchasing decisions for massage services.

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How to Cite
Thongjang, T. ., & Kedsadayurat, C. . (2023). Online Marketing Communication for Nathaleeya Massage for Health and Effective Digital Marketing Communication for Millennial in Bangkok. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 71–87. Retrieved from
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