Media Exposure Behavior Utilization and Satisfaction of the Upper Southern Network Participants towards the Online Communication System U2T ONLINE COMMUNITY, the Project to Enhance the Economy and Society by Integrated Sub-district (1 Sub-district, 1 Univ

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Buncha Chonpitak
Sasihphan Bilmanoch
Suthep Dechachep


 The objective of this research is to study media exposure behavior, utilization and satisfaction of the online communication system U2T ONLINE COMMUNITY, the project to enhance the economy and society by integrated sub-district (1 sub-district, 1 university) Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, is a quantitative research. The data collecting using an online questionnaire in the form of a Google form from a group of project participants in the upper southern region from four educational institutions such as: Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, Phuket Rajabhat University and Surat Thani Rajabhat University total 400 people. The results of this study summarized as follows.
         1. Demographic characteristics of sample group are: most of them were female, aged 26-35 years, with a bachelor's degree and most of the general public.

  1. The media exposure behavior of the sample toward the online communication system U2T Online Community found that most of the sample group know news from the U2T Online Community platform, accounting for 45.5%, with information appearing in various media 1-2 days a week. Representing 59.0 percent, each access time is about 1-2 hours, representing 59.0 percent, while the time of access is in the evening between 4:01 PM and 8:00 PM, representing 59.0 percent for communication devices. Used to receive information is a smartphone (Smart Phone), representing 60.5 percent. Most of the network participants met and discussed news about the U2T Online Community from the media, representing 59.0 percent, with Discussion purpose communicate Representing 44.8 percent and interested in information about the employment of the project accounted for 59.0 percent.

  2. Utilization of the U2T Online Community online communication system of the sample group from 5 channels can be summarized as follows: (1) found that the sample group used the benefits Overall; it was at a low level. The mean is 2.26 (2) U2T Online Community platform channel found that the sample group has used Overall, it was at a high level with an average of 3.69. (3) Facebook U2T Online Community. Overall, it was at a moderate level, an average of 3.32. (4) Facebook: 1 sub-district, 1 university, found that the sample group was at a moderate level, with an average of 3.13 and (5) U2T Tube, it was at a high level with an average of 3.45.

  3. Satisfaction with the online communication system U2T Online Community of the sample group from 5 channels can be summarized as follows: (1) found that the sample group had overall satisfaction at a high level. The mean was 3.59 (2) U2T Online Community found that the samples were satisfied. The overall level is moderate. The mean was 3.07 (3) Facebook: U2T Online Community found that the sample was satisfied. The overall level is moderate. The mean was 2.96 (4) Facebook: 1 sub-district 1 university found that the sample had overall satisfaction at a moderate level with an average of 2.90 (5) U2T Tube channel found that the sample was satisfied with the image. Total at a low level with an average of 2.41

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How to Cite
Chonpitak, B. ., Bilmanoch, S. ., & Dechachep, S. . (2023). Media Exposure Behavior Utilization and Satisfaction of the Upper Southern Network Participants towards the Online Communication System U2T ONLINE COMMUNITY, the Project to Enhance the Economy and Society by Integrated Sub-district (1 Sub-district, 1 Univ. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 124–139. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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