The Study of Content and Users Engagement on Salon & Studio Facebook Fanpage. The Guideline for Developing Content for Blooming salon x studio Facebook Fanpage

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krongkarn somsri
Pataraporn Sangkapreecha


The objectives of this study were to study study the types and styles of the content communicated including the engagement of the audience on Facebook fanpages of the Salon & Studio business, and to test and compare the effectiveness of the content types. And the content format on the Facebook fanpage of the Salon & Studio business as a guideline for developing content for Blooming salon x studio Facebook fanpage. This is a Mixed Method research between content analysis and experimental research by studying content from 3 Facebook fan pages of Salon & Studio business with the most followers. Then the results were posted (A/B Testing) on the Blooming salon x studio Facebook fanpage and the results of the engagement on the Facebook fanpage were compared to the effectiveness of the content.

The results showed that content types and the content styles presented on the Facebook fanpages of the 3 brands with the most followers. There are similar types and styles of posting. The most posted content type is entertainment content and the content styles that is posted the most is photo. The content styles on the Facebook fanpage Blooming salon x studio found that the content with the most engagement ranked first was photo with persuasive content, followed by images with entertainment content and the last is a photo with educate content. From the results, entrepreneurs can use the study results as a guideline for developing outstanding content or use diversity to create content that generates engagement for your fanpage followers.

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How to Cite
somsri, krongkarn ., & Sangkapreecha, P. . (2023). The Study of Content and Users Engagement on Salon & Studio Facebook Fanpage. The Guideline for Developing Content for Blooming salon x studio Facebook Fanpage. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 140–153. Retrieved from
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