The Development of Teachers’ Ability for Online Lessons: The New Normal Learning Development Project

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Suthawan Thummasungwan
Prakit Arsa


Development of Teachers’ Ability for Online Lesson: New Normal Learning Development Project The objective was to assess the process of implementing a teacher development project through the online teaching process by collecting data with participants using an online questionnaire. The results showed that (1) the overall assessment results of the teacher development project by teaching new ways of teaching were appropriate at a high level, and (2) Assessing the performance of the teacher development project by teaching new ways. in terms of learning achievement, it was found that the average score after training was higher than the average score before training. 

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How to Cite
Thummasungwan, S. ., & Arsa, P. . (2023). The Development of Teachers’ Ability for Online Lessons: The New Normal Learning Development Project. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 154–169. Retrieved from
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