Design Studies of Smartphone Website Interface Design for Older Adults

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Patana Duangpatra
Khonteeneung Saenghiruna


Smartphones are now being used by all segments of the population, including the elderly. Smartphones have undeniably made life easier. however, due to physical deterioration in the elderly, such as vision, hearing, and various movements, the use of websites on smartphones is severely limited. With a smaller screen and different needs than normal people, the style and size of the text, color contrast, size and position of the buttons, etc., are all important and help older people use the website more easily. In this article, the various research on smartphone user interface design and web design guidelines for the elderly is reviewed to conclude that mobile web design guidelines for the elderly are based on various research and make it easier for the elderly to access the information they need. It also avoids errors and reduces the burden on older people. The way a website is designed on a smartphone for the elderly can be applied in practice and is useful for interface designers who want to design website interfaces on mobile screens or can apply this approach to other screens.

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How to Cite
Duangpatra, P. ., & Saenghiruna, K. . (2023). Design Studies of Smartphone Website Interface Design for Older Adults. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 186–198. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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