Creating Aesthetic Communication from the Imprecision of Competitor Makeup in TV Show “Sing Your Face Off”

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Krit Kamnon


This study aimed to analyze characteristics of aesthetic communication from makeup on competitors in TV show Sing Your Face Off from imprecision. The study revealed that the creating the aesthetic from makeup required 1) nostalgia associated with interextuarity through plagiarism 2) representation through both domestic and abroad artist stereotype and 3) reproduction relied on transtextuality through hypertextuality which provided audiences with delight, entertainment, emotion, appreciation, and the beauty of communication. However, dimensions of imprecision communication for meaning with makeup required communication elements such as senders, codes, contexts, and production participants who could be state transition, role switch, and cooperation to prescribe the meaning of makeup on contestants in the TV show.

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How to Cite
Kamnon, K. . (2023). Creating Aesthetic Communication from the Imprecision of Competitor Makeup in TV Show “Sing Your Face Off”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 210–220. Retrieved from


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