Drone Photography Aesthetics: Exploring the Drone Photograph for Cycling

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Jatechan Kerdsuk
Lattasith Taweesuk


This article aims to study the aesthetics of drone photography in the case of long-distance cycling event through the camera angles, photography compositions and moments. The drone photographs produce special characteristics within the photograph as well as its aesthetics that only drone is capable of, in which are different from on land photography. The study found that there are three different kinds of drone photograph including: high long-shot, high medium-shot and medium top view. Even though, the drone photography has freedom for taking high angle photos but there are limitations to communicate meanings. So, it is necessary to include ground photography unit to communicate meanings clearly. To communicate through drone photography is very unique in a way that it communicates the context of subject rather than the subject

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How to Cite
Kerdsuk, J. ., & Taweesuk, L. . (2023). Drone Photography Aesthetics: Exploring the Drone Photograph for Cycling. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 233–241. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/commartsreviewsiamu/article/view/265838


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