The Beauty of Photography for Communicating the Raw Banana Flour Product and the Light Weight Plant Pot Project: Mobilizing for Economics and Foundational Social After Covid by BCG Economics (U2T for BCG) Daen Sa-Nguan, Ranot District, Songkhla

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Wichulada Thavaroj
Nutthawut Singnongsaung
Kittithat Srifa


This academic paper aims to describe the process of creating pack-shot photography that reflects beauty for use in online media distribution. The synthesis of knowledge about the creative process of photography is based on the concept of 1) communicate with photography 2) Composition 3) Photography lighting 4) Camera angles and meaning. This was done using photographs of raw banana flour and light weight plant pots product to mobilize the economics and foundational social after Covid by BCG Economics (U2T for BCG) Daen Sa-Nguan, Ranot District, Songkhla as the case study.

The knowledge derives from photography are: 1) pack-shot photography by applying composition techniques for creative purposes to enhance the work of photographs to be useful in communication through media; 2) the use of visual texts in communication, the text helps to enhance the clarity of the content as a complement to each other; 3) suitable camera angles for pack-shot photography are eye-level and high-angle.

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How to Cite
Thavaroj, W. ., Singnongsaung, N. ., & Srifa, K. . (2023). The Beauty of Photography for Communicating the Raw Banana Flour Product and the Light Weight Plant Pot Project: Mobilizing for Economics and Foundational Social After Covid by BCG Economics (U2T for BCG) Daen Sa-Nguan, Ranot District, Songkhla. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 242–256. Retrieved from


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