Assessing the Effectiveness of Inter-generational Communication between Teachers in the Context of Communication for Learning in Thai Institutions of Higher Education

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Teerawan Opasbut
Patchanee Cheyjunya


This study is a qualitative research that aims to investigate the perceptions of students regarding the communication skills of teachers of different ages in the context of teaching and learning in higher education institutions in Thailand. Data was collected through the use of focus group discussions with fourth-year students who were 20 years of age or older and had experience studying with teachers of varying generations. The sample group consisted of 18 participants, who were selected from three different fields: social sciences and humanities (6 participants), science and technology (6 participants), and vocational education (6 participants). The communication abilities of teachers of different ages were evaluated based on the following criteria: 1) Communication proficiency, 2) Communication satisfaction, 3) Recognition of communication difficulties between the teacher and student, and 4) Student response.

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How to Cite
Opasbut, T. ., & Cheyjunya , P. . (2023). Assessing the Effectiveness of Inter-generational Communication between Teachers in the Context of Communication for Learning in Thai Institutions of Higher Education. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(2), 8–32. Retrieved from
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