Presentation of the identity and behavior of using the Tik Tok application of youth in Nonthaburi Province

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Uayporn Panich


This research is survey research with the objective of 1. To study the behavior of youth watching the Tik Tok application in Nonthaburi Province. 2. To study the behavior of using the Tik Tok application of youth in Nonthaburi Province. 3. To study the self-presentation of youth in Nonthaburi Province 4. To study the relationship between viewing behavior of Tik Tok application and the self-presentation of 400 youths in Nonthaburi Province Tools used Data collection was a questionnaire, statistics used in the research were percentage, mean and Pearson correlation coefficient. which were processed by using a statistical package.

The results showed that the majority of the samples were 15-19 years old, with a bachelor's degree or equivalent, with an income of less than 10,000 baht. The most various is Tik Tok using the heart function. Access more than 10 times/day during 21.01-midnight, using the duration of watching various clips from the Tik Tok application is 1-3 hours per day and has the purpose of using the app. Tik Tok application (Tik Tok) for entertainment Relax and relieve stress as much as possible.

The overall behavior of using the TikTok application (TikTok) was at a moderate level (mean 3.00), using it for the most enjoyment (mean = 4.45), followed by the application. tik tok during their free time (mean = 4.25) and the least is to use the tik tok application to communicate with the general public (public) (mean = 2.41).

The overall self-presentation on the TikTok application (TikTok) was low (average 1.91), with content creation (Content) to create a stream (Viral) for themselves the most (mean = 2.51) Followed by posting personal video clips or photos in the Tik Tok application. for the general public to appreciate that she is beautiful Cool and give likes (mean = 2.48) and the least is presenting yourself on the TikTok application to sell things online (mean = 1.87).

Hypothesis test results Watching behavior of Tik Tok application correlated with identity presentation of youth in Nonthaburi province. Youth in Nonthaburi Province had a statistically significant relationship at the 0.01 level, thus according to the hypothesis. And it's a positive correlation, meaning that the samples with the most exposure to the Tik Tok application have more exposure. and on the contrary If the sample group had less exposure to the Tik Tok application, there would be less self-presentation, but the aforementioned relationship was high.

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How to Cite
Panich, U. . (2024). Presentation of the identity and behavior of using the Tik Tok application of youth in Nonthaburi Province. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 23(1), 52–65. Retrieved from
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