Using legal measures as a preventative measure to lessen cyberbullying behavior

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Tassnee Domkerngsak
Gaewganya Savagsuriyawong


This research used both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitatively, 400 questionnaires were used, with the target group being both male and female youth between the ages of 17-19 years or currently studying at the high school level. Vocational education (Vocational Certificate and Vocational Certificate) at educational institutions in Bangkok. And in the qualitative research section, the researcher used the analysis of documents related to Thai and foreign laws. and analyze media used in campaigns to reduce bullying by various organizations with the purpose of this research to study cyberbullying behavior. Cyberbullying To study guidelines for preventing cyberbullying. Cyberbullying and to analyze legal measures regarding Cyberbullying Comparison between Thai law and foreign law

The results of the research revealed that the sample group had cyber-bullying behavior in the following areas:

In terms of scolding (Flaming), it was found that the sample group had the most cyberbullying behaviors. I used to set up groups with my friends to discuss other people's issues through social media.

Sending harassing or defamatory messages (Denigration) found that the sample has the behavior of posting comments or sharing messages / images / news videos from various pages without much fact checking.

In terms of deleting or blocking others from the group (Exclusion), it was found that the sample pressed the report (Report) of others that they did not like. Until causing the Facebook account of that person to be suspended the most.

Regarding the disclosure of secrets or personal information of others (Tricky), it was found that the sample had the behavior of recording private conversations with friends and posting them on social media without the consent of most friends.

Impersonation (Impersonation) It was found that the sample used the account of others to bully through social media the most.

The subjects had feelings of cyber-bullying. in various fields as follows:

In terms of scolding (Flaming), it was found that the respondents were the most harassed in cyberspace. used to gossip through social media Sending harassing or defamatory messages The Denigration study found that the most subjected to cyberbullying was when embarrassing still images/videos were taken by others and criticized on social media.

In terms of deleting or blocking others from the group (Exclusion), it was found that the sample pressed the report (Report) of others that they did not like. Until causing the Facebook account of that person to be suspended the most.

Regarding the disclosure of secrets or personal information of others It found that the sample had been captured by a friend in a private conversation and posted it on social media without their consent.

Impersonation (Impersonation) It was found that the sample was harassed for using their name/personal information without consent (such as name-surname, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).

The researcher found that there were 5 behaviors in the form of cyberbullying, which were analyzed by the legal measures of Thailand and applied to such behaviors. Found that Thailand does not have a law that clearly came out to solve the problem of cyberbullying. Although there are laws in the country that can be fined. Sections 326, 328 and 393 of the Criminal Code, the Computer Crimes Act B.E. 2007 (Revised 2017) and the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, however, may be difficult to interpret. The lack of coverage resulted in the lack of an element of the offense. making it unable to be applied in cyberbullying behaviors.

Study the legal measures in the policy related to cyber harassment from the United States. By being defined as a policy measure to prevent cyberbullying in the National Education Act that is the master law. for educational institutions to adopt the measures provided in the National Education Act to determine as a measure of the educational institution and send it to the Ministry of Education for examination and should study Canadian cyber-bullying laws in particular. to draft a law on cyberbullying in Thailand and establishing a cyber-bullying agency with the task of investigating complaints and eliminating initial complaints to reduce the burden of courts. In addition, Thailand should have guidelines for issuing insurance products in the same way as Japan, "Bully Insurance" by adding in the matter of cyberbullying into insurance.

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How to Cite
Domkerngsak, T. ., & Savagsuriyawong, G. . (2024). Using legal measures as a preventative measure to lessen cyberbullying behavior. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 23(1), 119–140. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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