The achievement of classroom’s Project Based Learning (PBL) associates with outside organization to meet the requirement of desired graduate: A case study of CaZa TV Program Production

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Methaporn Musikapal
Jirapohn Youngsuk
Pasunart Souysuwan


The achievement of classroom’s Project Based Learning (PBL) associates with outside organization to meet the requirement of desired graduate: A case study of CaZa TV Program Production, is the academic article that aims to summarize the lesson learned from the student TV program production.   The project arose from the collaboration of Faculty of Communication Arts, Kasem Bundit University, and Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth). TV programs production were created to promote social well-being, physical and mental health capability, and health literacy, which are fundamental factors of peaceful society. Under the concept of entertainment TV program, the information on dangerous things and addictive substance, which are risk factors for teenager, were joyfully presented together with pointing out how dangers and disadvantages they are. The program also recommended behavior modification and other creative activities to help the target group avoid jeopardy. The project working group employed Integrated Learning Management concept by using CaZa TV Program Production project as a base to develop learning achievement for bachelor degree student. The TV program, consists of ten 15-minute episodes, were broadcast through online media and ThaiHealth cable TV network (Cable 37HD, Close Friend Station for Health, and YouTube Channel)

The achievement of learning via CaZa TV program production project demonstrates development in many aspects. Apart from students performance in TV program production, they receives various learning and thinking skills which are 1) topic thinking skill 2) associative thinking skill  3) analytical thinking skill 4) critical thinking skill  5) creative thinking skill 6) fast learning ability 7) ability to identify problem, understand social contexts, and profoundly present 8) ability to create knowledge and realize necessity of conflict resolution 9) ability to apply communication arts knowledge to lead society in appropriate way. Student also learn. Besides, students learn to do research and development, creative thinking for value added and value of the work, the combination of knowledge from searching and self-learning. ‘Value’ of the work in this project refers not only to the price of student’s creative work broadcasting, but also ‘emotional value’. Student develops 21st century learning skills such as intelligence quotient, emotional quotient, moral quotient, social quotient, creative thinking, and communication technique, etc. Furthermore, the educational collaboration with outside organization is a convergence of personalized learning process and structural cooperation creating between learner, teacher, curriculum, and budget support from cooperation network outside organization, to drive the process systematically.

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How to Cite
Musikapal, M. ., Youngsuk, J. ., & Souysuwan, P. . (2024). The achievement of classroom’s Project Based Learning (PBL) associates with outside organization to meet the requirement of desired graduate: A case study of CaZa TV Program Production. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 23(1), 285–300. Retrieved from


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