Product Design to Enhance Income for Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club Samae Dam Subdistrict, Bang Khun Thian District, Bangkok
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This creative research article aims to: (1) To integrate knowledge of communication arts into academic services in designing products to promote the vitality of the Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club to generate enhance income from community capital by studying and collecting community capital data and wisdom that can be used to create and add value to community products based on the lifestyle of the elderly. (2) Find cultural identity from community capital that can be applied to develop new products, support community development, develop areas to promote local wisdom products, promote the potential of local communities, leading to the creation of a stable social foundation. And (3) To create learning, collaboration, develop cooperation between Siam University, the community and coordinate with all relevant agencies and promote self-reliance from community development and generate income from selling products of Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club. In addition, the study of community product development processes is being conducted to expand sales and marketing opportunities.
Researchers found that embroidery of the Mon shoulder cloth also provides a guideline for further development of the knowledge of Mon shoulder cloth embroidery to be used in creating other products as can be seen from the large number of entrepreneur groups. The product developed for creative research is the Siam-Raman Bag. That should refer the products come from community capital and can add value, have guarantees, have a unique identity, and emphasize stories and ways of life, which will promote the strength of the elderly in the Tao Te Xin Xi Club to be stronger and bring more income to the elderly. The results of the evaluation of satisfaction with the results of the "Raman-Siam" bag product were most satisfactory (average = 4.26). It was found that the level of satisfaction in the issue of suitability of style/shape was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.56. Next was the issue of suitability of utility, which was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.44. And third was the issue of suitability of pattern/color, which was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.32, respectively.
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