The Identity of a Tall Narrow Drum in Southern Thailand
The Identity of Tall Norrow Drum in Southern Thailand
Identity, Klong Yao (a tall narrow drum), Tap Yao, Southern ThailandAbstract
Musical and Performance in southern folklore culture of Thailand has an identity and classification out of another musical culture. Especially, Nora and Nang Talung, when mentioning these in anywhere that can know it immediately, all of these are southern. However, that has another performance or musical identity to the southern, it is Klong Yao (a Tall Narrow Drum) or Tap Yao. But, Klong Yao has all the regions of Thailand. Therefore, it is difficult to claim specifically whether is the music of another region, exempts the central. When considering all the area context and other components that can make clear the identification of Klong Yao in each region, as well as southern.
This article aims to explain information about the southern Klong Yao. That can make clear the identification of Klong Yao in another region. The details are the characteristics, band mixing, playing the musical instruments, popular songs, and performance form. Some details are similar to Klong Yao in the central region and something identification of the southern Klong Yao. Mostly, Klong Yao of southern likes to merge the musical of Nora culture, Nang Talung culture, and Wian Krok Thai music folk. This is emphasizing to the identification of Klong Yao in southern exactly.
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