The Cooperation between Public and Private Sectors for Social Responsibility in Healthy Organization of Thai SMEs


  • ญาณัญฎา ศิรภัทร์ธาดา



Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), Social Responsibility, Healthy Organization.


The research objectives were to
1) study the current conditions of the CSR,
particular in health, among Thai Food Processing
SMEs, 2) the effects of the CSR on health of the
workforce in Thai Food Processing SMEs. This
research employed mixed method research using
both quantitative and qualitative methodology to
achieve the set objectives. The quantitative
method was used for the study involving the use
of questionnaires to collect data from the Thai
Food Processing SMEs entrepreneurs’. They
were stratified by Multi-Stage Random Sampling.
Data analysis included descriptive statistics. In
terms of qualitative method, there were in-depth
interviews. They were selected by Purposive
Sampling. The study reported that the
establishment of the well-structured state agents
was in need of the entrepreneurs’ Thai Food
Processing SMEs (e.g., for fair legal treatment
among the workforce), 2) the enactment of
reasonably flexible and practical regulations
supporting CSR in entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

ศิรภัทร์ธาดา ญ. (2019). The Cooperation between Public and Private Sectors for Social Responsibility in Healthy Organization of Thai SMEs. Research and Development Journal Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, 7(2), 69.