The Guidelines for Administration and Management of Learning Resources Supporting Instructional Management of Piyapornpittaya School
The purposes of this study were (1) to examine the condition of administration and management of learning resources supporting instructional management of Piyapornpittaya School; (2) to investigate key factors affecting the administration and management of learning resources supporting instructional management of Piyapornpittaya School; (3) to propose the guidelines for the administration and management of learning resources supporting instructional management of Piyapornpittaya School. The population was school principal, vice principals, teachers, and school committee members. The data was statistically analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and content analysis. The results showed that: 1. The examination results on condition of administration and management of learning resources supporting instructional management at Piyapornpittaya School, in overall, were reported at the high level. 2. The key factors affecting the administration and management of learning resources supporting the instructional management of Piyapornpittaya School were: 1) Personnel 2) Budget 3) Resources and 4) Management. 3. The guidelines for the administration and management of learning resources supporting the instructional management of Piyapornpittaya School involved: 1) Planning the use of learning resources 2) Implementing the plan 3) Following up, monitoring, evaluating the implementation and 4) Developing and improving the flaws.
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