The Guidelines for New Normal Learning Administration and Management of Schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4
Administration and management, New normal learningAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to examine the current and desirable circumstance in new normal learning administration and management of schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4; and 2) to develop the guidelines for new normal learning administration and management of schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. The population recruited 164 participants including Director of Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4, educational supervisor and academic affairs teachers under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4.The research instruments were questionnaire and interview and the data was analyzed for mean (Xˉ), standard deviation (S.D.), Priority Needs Index (PNI), frequency, and content analysis. The results showed that: 1. The new normal learning administration and management of schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4, in overall, regarding to the current circumstance was rated at the high level while the desirable circumstance was rated at the highest level. The aspect showing the highest PNI was the implementation of new normal learning administration and management (D). 2. The guidelines for new normal learning administration and management for schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4 involved 4 steps: (1) P-Planning (2) Implementation (D) (3) Assessment and Evaluation (C) (4) Improvement and Development (A).
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