The Guidelines for Academic Affairs Development of Municipality School 5 under Chiang Rai Municipality School, Mueangchiangrai District, Chiang Rai Province
Administration, Academic Work, Educational InstitutionsAbstract
This independent study the objective is to study the current state of academic administration. Public school district 5, outstanding five, to study problems of academic administration. Public School District 5, outstanding five, and to study guidelines for the development of academic administration. Municipality School 5, Den Ha, Chiang Rai Province under Chiang Rai Municipality. The population used in the study was 45 people, namely the director of the school, 1 person, the deputy director of the school, 1 person, the head of the academic department, 1 person, the teacher, 42 people, a total of 45 people. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire on problems of academic administration. Municipality School 5, Den Ha, Chiang Rai Province under Chiang Rai Municipality.
The results of the study found that the sample group studied the guidelines for the development of academic administration. Municipality School 5, Den Ha, Chiang Rai Province 45 samples under the Chiang Rai Municipality and for the interview form 4 people were the Director of the Office of Education and Supervision Education, the Director of the Educational Institution. Municipality School 6 Nakhon Chiang Rai Head of Academic Municipal School 6 Nakhon Chiang Rai, Deputy Director of the School Municipal School 5 Den Ha Academic Head Municipal School 5, Den Ha. According to a general survey of respondents, it was found that 19 respondents were male, representing 42.20 percent, 26 were female, representing 11.7%. Work experience in the current position is less than 5 Year 30 people accounted for 67%, duration 5 - 10 years, 4 people accounted for 9%, and duration 10 years or more, 11 people accounted for 24 percent.
Problematic condition of academic administration Municipality School 5, Den Ha, Chiang Rai Province under Chiang Rai Municipality Overall and by aspect, it was found that the overall average was at a high level. The aspect with the most academic problems Research for learning development.
Guidelines for the development of academic administration Municipality School 5, Den Ha, Chiang Rai Province Under Chiang Rai Municipality, as a whole, it was found that from the problems in order from the most problems to the least problems, was the research for learning development. development of media, innovation, and technology; and of course, development in educational institutions.
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