The Approach Enhancing Efficiency of Professional Learning Community Administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart) under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
The Approach Enhancing Efficiency, Administration, Professional Learning CommunityAbstract
The objectives of this study were: 1) to examine the current and desirable circumstance of professional learning community administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart) under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3; 2) to investigate the factors affecting professional learning community administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School(Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart); 3) to develop the guidelines enhancing professional learningcommunity administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart. Thedata sources involved 1 0 4 participants including school administrators and teachers fromRajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart). The research instruments were questionnaire and focus-group discussion. The data was analyzed for PNI, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results showed that:
- The current and desirable circumstance of professional learning community administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart) following POLC Framework, in overall, was rated at the high level (µ = 3.91). The individual aspects analysis showed that planning held the highest mean at the high level likewise the PNI analysis following POLC framework also indicated that planning held the highest PNI at 0.10 representing the highest needs.
- The factors affecting professional learning community administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart) consisted of 6 components i.e. (1) Shared Vision (2)Teamwork (3) Shared Leadership (4) Learning and Career Development (5) Friendly Community(6) Supportive Community. The factors underlying internal environment analysis administration or2S4M involved (1) Structure and Policy of School (2) Servicing and Characteristics of Learners (3)Personnel (4) Financial Efficiency (5) Materials and Resources (6) Administration and Management.
- The guidelines enhancing professional learning community administration of Rajaprajanugroh 15 School (Wiangkaosaenphuwittayaprasart) underpinning desirable future scenario,coverage and quality administration based on POLC involved (1) Planning: School requires planningand seeking guidelines concurrent with the school’s vision in developing action plan for operating professional learning community (2) Organizing: School must develop friendly working structure by appointing persons in charge of operating professional learning community. (3) Leading: School administrators must support and allow teachers and educational personnel in voicing their ideas appropriately. (4) Controlling: School must report the operation, monitoring and reviewing the evaluation results for improving, revising and analyzing budget spending underpinning the same standards throughout the school.
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