Curriculum Management Strategy for Science and Technology Learning Group of Rajaprajanugroh 30 School, Chiang Mai Province In the covid-19 Pandemic, It is Consistent with Education 4.0
Strategies Develop, Curriculum Management, The covid-19 Pandemic Situation, Education 4.0Abstract
The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum management strategy for the science and technology learning group of Rajaprajanukroh 30 School, Chiang Mai Province, In the covid-19 pandemic that is consistent with education 4.0. participatory action planning methods were used. The informants were 2 school administrators, 2 science subject teachers, 3 curriculum committees, and 1 basic education committee. From the study, it was found that curriculum management strategies needed to be assessed. situation Setting vision, mission, objectives, strategic issues and project planning Three strategic issues have been identified, which are 1. Learner Quality 2. Management Process and Curriculum Management 3. Instructional Management 4.0 this leads to the formulation of the project plans of the four strategies as follows: 1. Promote the potential of learners to have achievements in learning and have desirable characteristics. cherish their ethnicity, have good values for coexistence as
a group. 2. Develop a management system curricula. and has an effective supervision, supervision, and monitoring system on the online network 3. Develop participation learning subject groups To be in accordance with the context of the community 4. Develop personnel in the use of technology for teaching and learning. Use foreign languages for communication in line with Education 4.0
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