Factors Affecting the use of the Electronic Archive System of Public University in the Northern Thailand


  • Narisara Kunnakul -
  • Piyatida Pianluprasidh


E-document System, E-Office, Operation


This research aims to study the factors that affect the use of electronic correspondence system of one state university in the northern region. In this research, a survey was used as a tool to collect data from 372 The e-Office users. The data was analyzed using SPSS software, including percentages, averages, and standard deviation, as well as hypothesis testing such as T-test, F-test, and analysis of variance. The research also aims to analyze the significance of the differences in results:

                   The research found that in terms of issues related to accessing the electronic office system (e-Office), it is necessary to increase the size of the menu buttons to make them more visible, simplify the document search method, be able to search for documents using short keywords, and make the formatting of documents less complicated. This includes the format of tables, the layout of text documents, and the formatting of MOUs. When compared to creating documents in Microsoft Word, the system has a good function of sending and receiving documents and reducing paper usage. It is also necessary to improve document management by creating folders to store documents after they have been processed. This will improve the overall efficiency of the system (e-Office).

                The hypothesis testing results found that there are significant differences in the factors related to the individual and status regarding problems using the system (e-Office) and expectations for using the system. Also, there are significant differences in the problems and expectations for using (e-Office) system among different departments. Additionally, the factors related to problems using (e-Office) system and expectations for using the system are found to be related to the acceptance of change, which supports the factors that affect the use of system (e-Office) of one state university in the northern region.

Author Biographies

Narisara Kunnakul, -

Candidate of M.B.A. (Business Administration), School of Management, Mae Fah Lang University. 

Piyatida Pianluprasidh

Lecturer of M.B.A. (Business Administration), School of Management, Mae Fah Lang University.


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