Development of Mathematical Word Problem Solving Ability on a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables of the 9th Grade Students Using Cooperative Learning Together Technique Combined with Graphic Organizer
Learning Together, Graphics Organizer, Ability Mathematical, System of Linear Equations in Two VariablesAbstract
This research is Action research. The purpose of this research was to develop 9th grade students' problem-solving abilities. who received learning management using cooperative learning together technique combined with the graphic organizer technique. have a score of at least 70%. The sample group consisted of 30 secondary school year 3/3, Semester 2, Academic Year 2022, obtained from Cluster random sampling. Research tools include: 1) Mathematical learning plan managed by technology collaborative learning. LT (learn together) combined with graphics organizer 2) Problem solving ability test 3) record After the teacher's teaching. The statistics used to analyze data include percentage, average and standard deviation.
The results showed that the students in the sample group had increased scores for the ability to solve problems after the learning management by using the cooperative learning technique combined with the graphic organizer technique. In the first operating cycle, 23 students passed the 70% standard, namely 76.67%. In the second operating cycle, 26 students have passed the 70% standard, accounting for 86.67%, and in the third operating cycle, 28 students have passed the 70% standard, accounting for 93.33%.
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