Study of Mathematical Conceptual Understanding Prisms and Cylinders Using the Geogebra Program to Assemble the 4 MAT Learning Management Model of Seventh Grade Students
Mathematical Conceptual Understanding, Rism and Cylinder, Geogebra ProgramAbstract
The goal of this study is to understand concepts involving prisms and cylinders using the Geogebra program to assemble the 4 MAT learning management model. The sample group used in the research was a group of 26 eighth-grade students at Ban Na Bon School, Khammuang District, Kalasin. The method was derived from purposive sampling. The learning management plan, which used the Geogebra program to assemble the 4-MAT learning management model on Prism and Cylinder, and the learning achievement test were the research tools. The results showed that: 1) Students created conceptual thinking, which is an action-level understanding in which students interpret information by observing and applying previous knowledge; understanding at the action level is developed at the process level, which describes, compares, and reflects what is observed from the moving images on the screen and conceptualizes them to a high level, which is an understanding at the next structure level. 2) In activities, worksheets, and quizzes after each activity, it was found that students had conceptual understanding at the action, process, and structure conceptual understanding levels and solved problems well to create an understanding of learning at a high level.
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