The Development of the Competency-Based Instruction Model of the Modern Information Technology for Project Management


  • WARAPORN KREETHEP Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Model Development, Competency-based Education, Modern Information Technology for Project Management


                   The purpose of this research ware 1) to study and develop the Competency-based Education model in line with the instructional process of the course Modern Information Technology for Project Management and 2) to assess the capability of the course instruction when using the Competency-based Education model for the 21st century learning skills of the students. The target participants of the research were 28 students in the course: Modern Information Technology for Project Management. The question adapted of learning management competencies for students in the 21st Century. The statistics for the data analysis were means and standard deviations.

                   The study fulfilled the research purposes as followed. First, the Competency-based Education model with the instructional process of the course Modern Information Technology for Project Management should conduct under by using 7(PCMAS) model including (1) seven competencies (2) P(Plan: A course syllabus that focuses on competencies (3) C(Coaching):The instructor taking the role of coaching (4) M(MACRO): Teaching and leaning by using the MACRO model (5) A(Assessment): A reflexive assessment used in forms of AoL, AfL, and AaL and (6) S(Show Share): Students’ Showcase. Second, in terms of the capability of the instruction for the 21st century learning skills of the students, the study result showed that the student's learning skills that were information, media, technology skill were in a high level, learning and innovation skills were in a high level and life and career skills were showed in the high level.

Author Biography

WARAPORN KREETHEP, Udon Thani Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor in Business Computer and Information System Major, Faculty of Management Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University.


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