About the Journal

ISSN: 2697-6285 (Online)

Journal of Social Sciences: Policy and laws related to health/medicine/ and public health

Journal Abbreviation:  J.PH.PL

Schedule to be issued:

      Issue 1   January - April

      Issue 2   May-August

      Issue 3  September-December

Aims and scope
The Public Health Policy and Laws Journal (PH.PL) is published by the Research Institute for Community Happiness and Leadership Foundation to serve the interests of both Thai and international social scientists and researchers. The aim is to publish high-quality research papers in various areas of social sciences, such as health policy, health law, social medicine, health education,  health economics, health system; public health administration; and matters related to all types of public health. Contributions to the journal can be made as either research or review articles. The journal is published as a periodical, with three issues annually in January, May, and September.

The following areas are covered in the Journal:

  • health and environmental health policy
  • health and environmental health laws
  • health management and public health administration
  • social medicine
  • epidemiology and disease control
  • health education and communication
  • health economics
  • health system
  • and matters related to all types of public health.

The period for consideration of articles is no less than 7 days.

Call for Paper

 Call for the paper throughout the year.  The article submitted by the author must be written according to the guidelines of the journal.  

The editorial board does not reserve the right to reference-copy contents according to the academic principles in the articles for educational  purposes, but the content of the article had been cited from the source completely


Publication fee

  • International manuscript Fee: USD 85.00 (Online issue)
  • International student manuscript Fee: USD 50.00 (Online issue)

The corresponding author should transfer the publication fee through

SCB (The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited; Tropical Medicine Hospital Branch)

Bank Account number 254- 224040-1

Double Bline Review:

Before publishing a manuscript in the Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, every research article will be considered and reviewed by 3 experts in the field.

Articles published in the Journal of Health and Public Health Law, are personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect, or obligate editors' endorsement.  

The editorial board does not reserve the right to copy the content, according to the academic principles in the articles, but credits and citations should be referred to the source accordingly.


Guideline for manuscript preparation
