Law to Protect the Purchase of Cosmetics through Online Media.


  • รัตนาพร ฉัตรมงคล


online cosmetics / consumer protection from purchasing online products.


Rattanaporn Chatmongkol*

Cosmetics marketing through the online media is very popular because it saves time and lower prices than other sales channels. There is an increasing trend of new online marketing of various  products through online channel.  In terms of controlling the product outlets through online channels, they are not registered as a trade outlet / retails as required by law, and often encountered problems arising from counterfeit goods or contaminants, which can be harmful to consumers.  Consumers are not protected and it is not fair that they cannot register a complaint against the online outlet. Therefore, the mistake of shopping online is that consumers and sellers are not meeting face to face, consumers do not know the exact location of the online operators, resulting in unresolved problems with the purchase, since no one is able to apprehend the guilty party.


Therefore, the state should take measures to control trading of cosmetics through online media, because it affects consumers in various ways: economically, environmentally, and product’s image.  In order to protect consumers to enjoy the benefits and safety of buying cosmetics through online media, government officials monitoring alone is not enough, but consumers should be educated to choose only products which are certified by government agency.  When problems arise from a certified product, consumers can register a complaint and ask for a reasonable damage compensation.  While online retailers still do not follow the online trading regulations, they must be punished according to the Ministry of Commerce Act on online trading.



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How to Cite

ฉัตรมงคล ร. (2018). Law to Protect the Purchase of Cosmetics through Online Media. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(1), 88–97. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives