Local Government Administration and Its Role in Community Health Promotion


  • สุภัชญา สุนันต๊ะ


local government/ public health role/ local community readiness


This article aims to explain the readiness of and factors affecting on health promotion role of local government administrations.  The readiness of health management in the local community is the organizational readiness of local administrative organizations and community capacity, where the attitudes of the people in the local community to healthy living are strong. The local government is a mechanism for the involvement of the local community or an important structural factor of the local community. Public participation is a very important factor for pushing the local community developmental activity to move forward. 

Encouraging public participation is important, therefore, stimulating the attitude and enthusiasm of the local people in the area for the importance of public health should be emphasized.  Local community should be encouraged to participate in projects and related activities.  Local district health committees should be set up, consisting of local government, private sector, civil society and local experts in the community.  In addition, there should be an encouragement for sustainable partnerships more than just supporting budget in the project only.


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How to Cite

สุนันต๊ะ ส. (2018). Local Government Administration and Its Role in Community Health Promotion. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(1), 98–107. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/161403



Academic Article / Perspectives