The assessment of the effectiveness of the national measures for smoke-free environment in Nong Khai Province


  • สิริกร นามลาบุตร
  • วรานิษฐ์ ลำใย


effectiveness / measures / smoke-free environment


This research project aims to assess the effectiveness of national measures, to study problems and obstructions of the existing national measures, and to propose  guidelines to improve the effectiveness of the national measures for smoke-free environment in Nong Khai. It is an integrated research study using quantitative and qualitative methods. The research was conducted using quantitative data collection and a random sampling method for 400 respondents. The study covered locations that were classified as non-smoking areas. Additionally, the qualitative data collection, through in-depth interviews, was carried out for 14 informants, consisting of: monk, government official agent, teacher, provincial health representatives, restaurant operator,  district health promotion, and police officer. The data was collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics and percentages. Utilizing a qualitative method, the information from the in-depth interviews was also analyzed and summarized.

The following results were obtained. No smoking area signs were not posted on public area 57.00%. 68.50% smokers found at the area of non-smoking. There was equipment or facilities for smoking were provided at the premises 75.30%. All involved authorities expressed their concerned and work together in order to reduce the number of smokers. Non-smoking stickers were displayed at various points in non-smoking areas. Hospitals initiated the “Smoking Cessation Clinic”. Some schools integrated campaigns in sport events to fight against cigarettes smoking. Restaurants displayed obvious non-smoking stickers. Despite all the efforts, there were some hindrances to a successful smoke-free environment due to discontinuous and limited publicity, unclear and lack of rigorous law enforcement on tobacco control, and smoking behavior of individuals.

The recommend that all related agencies should extensively publicize smoking law. All the authorities concerned should organize some collaborative networking projects to exchange knowledge on how to create a smoking-free environment. For improving effectiveness of the national measures and enhancing smoke-free environment in Nong Khai, all the above recommendations should be developed into practical policies, sustainable measures, and viable activities/projects


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How to Cite

นามลาบุตร ส., & ลำใย ว. (2018). The assessment of the effectiveness of the national measures for smoke-free environment in Nong Khai Province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(2), 133–151. Retrieved from



Original Article