The Perception of Service Quality: Issuing Licenses for Foods Operators according to Public Health act, 2535 B.E., in Muang municipality, Supanburi province


  • วรัฐกานต์ อัศวพรวิพุธ
  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ
  • นิทัศน์ ศิริโชติรัตน์
  • สุธี อยู่สถาพร


This survey research aimed at studying the perception of service quality in issuing licenses to food operators in Muang municipality, Supanburi province; and comparatively studying the food operators’ experiences in receiving service, business sizes, business types, license applications, application durations, and their perception of service quality in issuing food business licenses in Muang municipality, Supanburi province. Data was collected by using questionnaires to 100 food operators, who contacted the municipality to renew their licenses or apply for a new license and were willing to participate in the survey. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and Independent t-test.

 The research findings revealed that 60% of the food operators were female, 34% were between 46-55 years old, 36% graduated primary schools, 91% earned income between 1- 50,000 Baht, and 36% had one time experience in receiving the service. 70% of the food operators had small businesses (area < 200 m2). 70% used the Food Business Establishment Registration Form to apply. 86% ran businesses selling food only. 73% spent 1-5 days to get the license. Regarding to the 3 service aspects: speed and convenience, politeness, and service procedures by the staff, the food operators had opinions toward this at a good level (= 4.03, 4.20, 3.97 S.D. = 0.551, 0.505, 0.508). Overall perception of service quality in issuing food business licenses was at the higher than expected level ( = 3.47). From the comparative study, the food operators’ experiences in receiving service and different types of business resulted in different perception of service quality in issuing food business licenses (p < 0.05). However, different business sizes, license applications, and application durations did not contribute to different perception of service quality in issuing food business licenses.


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How to Cite

อัศวพรวิพุธ ว., พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ., ศิริโชติรัตน์ น., & อยู่สถาพร ส. (2018). The Perception of Service Quality: Issuing Licenses for Foods Operators according to Public Health act, 2535 B.E., in Muang municipality, Supanburi province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(2), 153–162. Retrieved from



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