Providing of Information on the Patient’s Rights by Registered Nurses in a Hospital


  • ปิยะมาศ สุดชาขำ


Knowledge, awareness, work environment, providing information in compliance with declaration of patients’ rights


This quantitative study aimed to investigate the practice in providing information in compliance with the declaration of Patients’ Rights among 249 registered nurses in a  hospital of health recruited through a purposive sampling. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

Study results showed that the mean score of knowledge about the Patients’ Rights among these registered nurses was in a high level (Mean=9.13). The mean score of their awareness about the necessity of providing information in compliance with the declaration was at a high level (Mean=4.35). The mean score of the overall practice in providing information in such a manner by these registered nurses was at a high level (Mean=3.73). Hypothesis testing revealed that their knowledge about the patients’ rights did not significantly associate with their practice in providing information in compliance with the declaration. Their awareness about necessity of providing information significantly had a positive association with their practice in providing information (r=.616). Their work environment significantly had a positive association with their practice in providing information (r=0.168).

The study suggested that work environment should be more favorable to provide information in compliance with this declaration.


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How to Cite

สุดชาขำ ป. (2018). Providing of Information on the Patient’s Rights by Registered Nurses in a Hospital. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



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