The decision of Myanmar migrant workers enter into the health insurance scheme according to ministry of public health’s announcement B.E. 2557 in Samut Sakhon Province


  • ทัศน์วรรณ ภูมิไชยโชติ


decision, health insurance, Myanmar migrant worker


This research aimed to examine the decision making of Myanmar migrant workers in entering into the health insurance scheme according to ministry of public health’s Announcement on Medical Checkups and Health Insurance for Migrant Workers B.E. 2557in Samut Sakhon province and determine the correlation between demographic characteristics, the acquisition of information about health insurance, the acquisition of information about health insurance benefits, the acknowledgement of government’s policy, knowledge about health insurance benefits, motivation for entering into the health insurance scheme, satisfaction with public health services and decision making of Myanmar migrant workers for entering into the health insurance scheme. The sample was 236 of Myanmar migrant workers.  A structured interview was used to collect the data which was analyzed with percentages, means, standard deviation, Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test

The results showed that most of the sample (56.8%) decided to renew their health insurance while 30.9%persons felt uncertain about whether to renew and 12.3% decided not to renew. Correlation analyse showed that the factors correlated with the decision making, regarding entering into health insurance scheme was gender, age, marital status, occupation, acquisition of health insurance information, acquisition of information on health benefits, acknowledgement about government policy, and the knowledge about health benefits.

Recommendations from the result suggest that public relations and the provision of information about health insurance should be conducted more extensively. In addition, the objectives of health insurance should be explained to migrant workers. Cooperation may be sought from employers in providing this information to migrant workers.


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How to Cite

ภูมิไชยโชติ ท. (2018). The decision of Myanmar migrant workers enter into the health insurance scheme according to ministry of public health’s announcement B.E. 2557 in Samut Sakhon Province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(1), 16–30. Retrieved from



Original Article