Nursing Practice for Critical Care
Nursing Practice, Critical Patients, Trauma Intensive Care UnitAbstract
The qualitative research aimed to study the compliance with the critical patient nursing standard and to create the guidelines for developing the critical patient nursing service quality and standard. The research populations consisted of 26 registered nurses working in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. The questionnaires on general information, observation forms, and in-depth interview forms were the instruments in this study that were used for collecting data. The statistic for analysis consisted of the average and standard deviation.
The result of study found that the compliance with the critical patient nursing standard in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit of a hospital had an average of 3.39 and standard deviation of 0.16, which was good. As for the developmental guidelines on the critical patient nursing service quality and standard, the registered nurses should have the suitable knowledge and competency. The organization should promote and develop work guidelines in accordance with the critical patient nursing standard to bring about the patient safety.
As for the research recommendations, the organization should determine the suitable competency of the nurses working in the Intensive Care Unit. It should determine the guidelines on knowledge management of the Intensive Care Unit. It should determine and announce the critical patient nursing operation standard of the Intensive Care Unit to all staffs through the organizational information channels to be the working guidelines and control the nursing quality.
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